
Django: Building REST APIs

Recently, I have written a few pieces on REST API development. We have discussed the Fundamentals of REST APIs, Built a Simple REST API, Secured it with HTTP Basic Authentication and JSON Web Tokens. However, the example codes were all based on Flask. I chose Flask for those examples because the framework was minimal in it’s core, light weight yet popular and with a matured eco system – very well suited for demonstrating simple REST APIs. But if we consider popularity, probably no other framework is as popular as Django in the Python land. In my day to day work, I use the framework quite extensively. Over the years, I have grown to become a passionate fan of Django. Naturally a tutorial series on building REST APIs with Django was just a matter of time.

Tutorial Index

This is the first part of the series. I shall update the index here as I keep adding new contents.



The tutorial series will be heavily focused on building REST APIs. So there will be less scope of discussing the fundamentals of Django as we go. I would expect the reader to have decent familiarity of Django before hand. If you are new to Django, please spend some time with the Official Tutorial. It is very well written.

The tutorial series will use Python 3.6.0 (but any versions above Python 3.0 should work fine). As for Django, I have just installed the latest release as of today –  1.11. . We would also be using Django REST Framework, I have 3.6.3 right now. The example code repository will have an up-to-date requirements.txt file – so don’t worry much about dependencies or their versions right now. Just make sure you use Python 3 and not Python 2.

Setting Up Django

Before we can start working on our awesome REST API, we first need to setup and configure our Django project. We need to install Django, install dependencies, start a project and an app, configure the database connection and write our first view. So what are we waiting for? Let’s get started!

Install Django and Dependencies

For now, we need the latest Django and a database driver. We will be using MySQL since it’s very popular and most people are familiar with it. In our production systems though, we mostly run PostgreSQL. We will discuss that choice in some later posts. Let’s install Django and the MySQL client using pip.

Done? Cool. If Django installed successfully, you should be able to run the command. See if you can run it. If the command runs successfully, your installation worked. Time to move on to the next phase.

Create the Django Project

We want to build REST APIs for a mailing list. Let’s call it djmailer. We use the startproject admin command to start our project.

We would now have a directory named djmailer created in the current directory. Within that, there’s the default djmailer app directory which contains the settings and root urlconf and the uwsgi app.

Create a New App

For the API related stuff, we would now create a new app named api. Let’s do that. First cd into the project so you  can access the file. Now run this command:

Cool, now we have the api app created for us. Open up djmailer/ and add api to the INSTALLED_APPS list.

Configure Database

In the default djmailer app, there’s a file named Open it up in your favorite text editor. We need to add our database credentials here. We will notice that a sample database configuration is already generated for us. Something like:

The above example uses SQLite. But we want to use MySQL. So first create a database named djmailer on your MySQL server and create the database user and password. Then replace the above code with these lines:

Once you have configured the database, please run the migrate management command.

This should create the tables Django needs for itself.

Hello World!

Time to create our first view. Open api/ file and create the view:

Instead of the usual HttpResponse, we used JsonResponse because we want to render our response as JSON. Using this class ensures that the reponse is JSON and the appropriate content type is set.

We can add this view directly to the root urlconf in djmailer/ but we would like to better organize our urls. So we are going to create a new file named in the api directory and put the following content:

If we add urls from all apps to the root urlconf, it will soon become a mess. Also the apps will not be reusable. But if we keep our app specific routes inside the app, we can just import them from the root urlconf. This keeps things clean and the app can be easily plugged into a different project if needed.

Let’s edit djmailer/ (the root urlconf) and import our api urls.

Focus on line 4 and 7. We are importing our api urls and putting them under the /api/ path. Run the django dev server:

If we visit http://localhost:8000/api/hello, we would see the response:

Cool? We just built our first RESTful view with Django.

Introducing Django REST Framework (DRF)

Building REST APIs with plain old Django is very possible but we have to do a lot. We need to read incoming requests, parse them as JSON or XML (through content negotiation), in case of CRUD operations, we also have to work with models and finally we have to send back the response in appropriate format. It’s all possible in Django – but like I said, I have to do so many things on our own. Our initial hello world view was very basic, very simple. As the project grows and we have more and more complexities, things will start to get out of hands.

In our Flask examples, using a third party extension helped us get started faster and saved us much time and efforts. Django REST Framework is one such framework for Django. It provides so much functionality out of the box – I am a big fan of the framework. So while we can do everything without this framework, using it would make us productive and keep things sane.

So from now on, we would be using DRF to continue building our APIs. In the next blog post, we would be getting started with Django REST Framework.

What’s Next?

On our next post – Django REST Framework: Getting Started, we introduce you to the wonderful world of DRF and demonstrate how we can use APIView to build our endpoints.

In the mean time, please subscribe to our mailing list. We will keep you posted when we publish new content. 🙂


JWT Authentication with Python and Flask

In our blog post about HTTP Authentication, we promised we would next cover JSON Web Tokens aka JWT based authentication. So we wrote a detailed blog post on The Concepts of JWT explaining how the technology works behind the scene. And in this blog post, we would see how we can actually implement it in our REST API. In case you have missed them, we have also explained the basics of REST APIs  along with a Python / Flask tutorial walking through some of the best practices.

PyJWT or a Flask Extension?

In our last blog post on JWT, we saw code examples based on the PyJWT library. A quick Google search also revealed a couple of Flask specific libraries. What do we use?

We can implement the functionality with PyJWT alright. It will allow us fine grained control. We would be able to customize every aspect of how the authentication process works. On the other hand, if we use Flask extensions, we would need to do less since these libraries or extensions already provide some sort of integrations with Flask itself. Also personally, I tend to choose my framework specific libraries for a task. They reduce the amount of task required to get things going.

In this blog post, we would be using the Flask-JWT package.

Getting Started

Before we can begin, we have to install the package using pip.

We also need an API end point that we want to secure. We can refer to the initial code we wrote for our HTTP Auth tutorial.

Now we work on securing it 🙂

Flask JWT Conventions

Flask JWT has the following convention:

  • There needs to be two functions – one for authenticating the user, this would be quite similar to the verify function we wrote in our last tutorial (http auth tutorial). The second function’s job is to identify user from a token. Let’s call this function identity.
  • The authentication function must return an object instance that has an attribute named id.
  • To secure an endpoint, we use the @jwt_required decorator.
  • An API endpoint is setup at /auth that accepts username and password via JSON payload and returns access_token which is the JSON Web Token we can use.
  • We must pass the token as part of the Authorization header, like – JWT <token>.

Authentication and Identity

First let’s write the function that will authenticate the user. The function will take in username and password and return an object instance that has the id attribute. In general, we would use database and the id would be user id. But for this example, we would just create an object with an ID of our choice.

We are storing the user details in a dictionary like before. We have created User class with id attribute so we can fulfil the requirement of having id attribute. In our verify function, we compare the username and password and if it matches, we return an User instance with the id being 123. We will use this function to verify user logins.

Next we need the identity function that will give us user details for a logged in user.

The identity function will receive the decoded JWT. An example would be like:

Note the identity key in the dictionary. It’s the value we set in the id attribute of the object returned from the verify function. We should load the user details based on this value. But since we are not using the database, we are just constructing a simple dictionary with the user id.

Securing Endpoint

Now that we have a function to authenticate and another function to identify the user, we can start integrating Flask JWT with our REST API. First the imports:

Then we construct the jwt instance:

We pass the flask app instance, the authentication function and the identity function to the JWT class.

Then in the resource, we use the @jwt_required decorator to enforce authentication.

Please note the jwt_required decorator takes a parameter (realm) which has a default value of None. Since it takes the parameter, we must use the parentheses to call the function first – @jwt_required() and not just @jwt_required. If this doesn’t make sense right away, don’t worry, please do some study on how decorators work in Python and it will come to you 🙂

Here’s the full code:

Looks good? Let’s try it out.

Trying it out

Run the app and try to access the secured resource:

Makes sense. The endpoint now requires authorization token. But we don’t have one, yet!

Let’s get one – we must send a POST request to /auth with a JSON payload containing username and password. Please note, the api prefix is not used, that is the url for the auth end point is not /api/v1/auth. But it is just /auth.

Cool, we got the token. Now let’s use it to access the resource.

Whoa, it worked! Amazing, now our JWT authentication is working great!

Getting the Authenticated User

Once our JWT authentication is functional, we can get the currently authenticated user by using the current_identity object.

Let’s add the import:

And then let’s update our resource to return the logged in user identity.

The current_identity object is a LocalProxy instance which can’t be directly JSON serialized. But if we pass it to a dict() call, we can get a dictionary representation.

Now let’s try it out:

As we can see the current_identity object returns the exact same data our identity function returns because Flask JWT uses that function to load the user identity.

What’s Next?

Go ahead and implement the same functionality using PyJWT and your own code. You will need to create an endpoint that encodes current user data and returns the access token. Then you will need to intercept the http headers, parse the Authorization header and verify the JWT token. It should be a fun and yet excellent learning exercise.



Understanding JWT (JSON Web Tokens)

In the end of our last post (which was about Securing REST APIs) we mentioned about JWT. I made a promise that in the next post, we would discuss more about JWT and how we can secure our REST APIs using it. However, when I started drafting the post and writing the code, I realized the underlying concepts of JWT themselves deserve a dedicated blog post. So in this blog post, we will focus solely on JWT and how it works.

What is JWT?

We will ignore the text book definitions and try to explain the concepts in our own words. Don’t be afraid of the serious looking acronym, the concepts are rather simple to understand and comprehend. First let’s break down the term – “JSON Web Tokens”, so it has to do something with JSON, the web and of course tokens. Right? Let’s see.

Yes, a JWT mostly concerns with a Token that is actually a hashed / signed form of a JSON payload. The JSON payload is signed using a hashing algorithm along with a secret to produce a single (slightly long) string that works as a token. So a JWT is basically a string / token generated by processing a JSON payload in a certain way.

So how does JWT help? If you followed our last article, you now know why http basic auth is bad. You have to pass your username and password with every request. That is kind of bad, right? The more you send your username and password over the internet, the more likely it is to get compromised, no? Instead, on the first login, we can accept the username and password and return a token back to the client. The client passes that token with every request. We verify that token to see if it’s a logged in user or not. This is the idea behind Token based authentication.

Random Tokens  vs JWT

How would you generate such token? You could generate a nice random string and store it in database against that user. Right? This is how cookie based session works too, btw. Now what if your application is scaled across multiple servers and all requests are load balanced? One server will not recognize a token / session generated by another server. Unless of course you also have one central database active all the time, serving all the incoming requests from all the servers. That setup is tricky and difficult, no?

There is another work around using sticky sessions where the requests from one particular user is always directed to the same server by the load balancer. This work around is also not as simple as JWT. Even if all these work nicely, we still have to make database queries to validate the token / session. What if we want to provide single sign on (users from one service wants to access resources on a different service all together)? How does that work? We will need a central auth server and all services will have to talk to it to verify the user token.

The benefit of JWT is that it’s lightweight but at the same time it’s a self contained JSON payload. You can store user identity in the JSON, sign it and send the token to the clients. Since it’s signed we can verify and validate it with just our secret key. No database overhead. No need for sticky sessions. Just share the secret key privately and all your services can read the data stored inside the JWT. Others can’t tamper or forge a new, valid token for an user without that secret key. Single sign on just becomes a breeze and less complicated. Sounds good? Let’s see how JWTs are constructed.

Anatomy of JWT

A JSON Web Token consists of three major parts:

  • Header
  • Payload
  • Signature

These 3 parts are separated by dots (.). So a JWT looks like the following

If you look closely, there are 3 parts here:

  • Header: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9
  • PayloadeyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIiwiYWRtaW4iOnRydWV9
  • SignatureTJVA95OrM7E2cBab30RMHrHDcEfxjoYZgeFONFh7HgQ

Okay, so we get the three parts, but what do they really do? Also those strings look like meaningless characters to me. What are they? How are they generated? Well, they are encoded in certain ways as we will see in the following sections.


The header is a simple key value pair (dictionary / hashmap) data structure. It usually has two keys typ and alg short for type and algorithm. The standard is to have the keys at best 3 character long, so the generated token does not get too large.


The typ value is JWT since this is JWT we’re using. The HS256 is the most common and most popular hashing algorithm used with JWT.

Now we just need to base64 encode this part and we get the header string. You were wondering why the strings didn’t make sense. That’s because the data is base64 encoded.


Here comes our favorite part – the JSON payload. In this part, we put the data we want to store in the JWT. As usual, we should keep the keys and the overall structure as small as possible.

We can add any data we see fit. These fields / keys are called “claims”. There are some reserved claims – keys which can be interpreted in a certain way by the libraries which decode the JWT. For example, if we pass the exp  (expiry) claim with a timestamp, the decoding library will check this value and throw an exception if the time has passed (the token has expired). These can often be helpful in many cases. You can find the common standard fields on Wikipedia.

As usual, we base64 encode the payload to get the payload string.


The signature part itself is a hashed string. We concatenate the header and the payload strings (base 64 encoded header and payload) with a dot (.) between them. Then we use the hashing algorithm to hash this string with our secret key.

In pseudocode:

That would give us the last part of the JWT, the signature.

Glue it all together

As we discussed before, the JWT is the dot separated form of the three components. So the final JWT would be:

 Using a library

Hey! JSON Web Tokens sounded great but looks like there’s a lot of work involved! Well, it would seem that way since we tried to understand how a JSON Web Token is actually constructed. In our day to day use cases, we would just use a suitable library for the language / platform of our choice and be done with it.

If you are wondering what library you can use with your language / platform, here’s a comprehensive list of libraries – JSON Web Token Libraries.

Real Life Example with PyJWT

Enough talk, time to see some codes. Excited? Let’s go!

We will be using Python with the excellent PyJWT package to encode and decode our JSON Web Tokens in this example. Before we can use the library, we have to install it first. Let’s do that using pip.

Now we can start generating our tokens. Here’s an example code snippet:

If we run the code, we will see:

So it worked – we encoded a payload and then decoded it back. All we needed to do is to call jwt.encode and jwt.decode with our secret key and the payload / token. So simple, no? parties.

Bonus Example – Expiry

In the following example, we will set the expiry to only 2 seconds. Then we will wait 10 seconds (so the token expires by then) and try to decode the token.

What happens after we run it? This happens:

Cool, so we get an error mentioning that the signature has expired by now. This is because we used the standard exp claim and our library knew how to process it. This is how we use the standard claims to ease our job!

Using JWT for REST API Authentication

Now that we’re all convinced of the good sides of JSON Web Tokens, the question comes into mind – how can we use it in our REST APIs?

The idea is simple and straightforward. When the user logs in the first time, we verify his/her credentials and generate a JSON Web Token with necessary details. Then we return this token back to the user/client. The client will now send the token with every request, as part of the authorization header.

The server will decode this token and read the user data. It won’t have to access the database or contact another auth server to verify the user details, it’s all inside the decoded payload.  And since the token is signed and the secret key is “secret”, we can trust the payload.

But please make sure the secret key is not compromised. And of course use SSL (https) so that men in the middle can not hijack the token anyway.

What’s next?

JSON Web Token is not only about authentication. You can use it to securely transmit data from one party to another. However, it’s mostly used for authenticating REST APIs. In our next blog post, we shall go through that use case. We will see how we can authenticate our api using JWT.

In the mean time, you can subscribe to the mailing list so you can stay up to date with this blog. If you liked the article and/or learned something new, please don’t forget to share it with your friends.