
REST API with KoaJS and MongoDB (Part – 3)

In Part -1 of this series, we saw how we can get started with KoaJS and in Part – 2 we built CRUD endpoints with MongoDB. In this part, we’re going to work with authentication. We will be using JSON Web Tokens aka JWT for the auth part. We have written detailed pieces on JWT before. You can read Understanding JWT to check out the basics and read our tutorial on JWT with Flask or JWT with Django to see how other frameworks like Flask uses JWT.

JWT with KoaJS

To implement JSON Web Tokens with KoaJS, we would be using two packages – koa-jwt and jsonwebtoken. The second package (jsonwebtoken) provides useful helper functions to generate and verify JWTs. Where as koa-jwt provides an easy to use middleware that we can use with KoaJS.

Let’s go ahead and install these packages:

That should install the dependencies and save them in our package.json.

Securing Routes with JWT

We have the required packages installed. So we can now start securing our routes with JWT. We can just require the koa-jwt package directly and use it. But we want to customize some aspects. For that we would create our own module named jwt.js and put the custom stuff in there.

Now in our index.js file, we would add the middleware to the app.

If we try to visit http://localhost:3000/, we will get a plain text error message saying “Authentication Error”. While the message is clear and concise, we want to output JSON, not a plain text error message. For that, we will write a custom middleware.

The code for this middleware is pretty simple. It invokes the next middleware and if it catches an error, it checks if it’s 401, if so, it sets a nice detailed JSON as the output. If you’re familiar with how middlewares work in express / koa, this should make sense. If it doesn’t make sense, don’t worry, you will get it over time.

Now we need to export this function from our jwt.js module. Let’s change the exports a little bit.

Now we’re exporting two functions, which, when called will return the specific middlewares. We also need to change our imports in index.js –

Please note the order of the middleware we used. The error handler must come before the JWT middleware itself, so it can call next() and check for the 401 error.

If we try to browse the API now, we should get a nice JSON like this:

Secured Routes and Router

We used the middleware directly on the koa app. That means all our routes are now secure. All the routes would now check for the Authorization header value and try to verify it’s value as a JSON Web Token. That’s good but there’s a slight problem. If we can’t access any of the routes without a token, which route do we access to get the token in the first place? And what token do we use for that? Yeah, we need to have at least one route which is not secured with JWT which will accept login details and issue the JWTs to the users. Besides, there could be other API end points which we can keep open to everyone, we don’t need authentication on those routes. How do we achieve that?

Luckily, Koa allows us to use multiple routers and each router can have their own set of middlewares. We will keep our current router open and add the routes to obtain the JWT. We will create a separate route which will use the middleware and be secured. We will call this one the “secured router” and the routes would be “secured routes”.

We modified our existing codes. We now have two routers and we added them both to the app. Let’s now move our old CRUD routes to the secured router and apply the JWT middleware to just the secured router.

We removed the previously setup JWT middleware from the app and used it on securedRouter instead. Remember, the JWT middleware must be setup before we setup the routes themselves. Ordering of middleware matters.

If we try to visit “http://localhost:3000/”, we will no longer get the auth error, rather will see “not found” (we didn’t define any routes for the root url). However, if we try to visit “http://localhost:3000/people”, we will get the authentication error again. Exactly what we wanted.

Issuing JWTs

We now need to create the route to issue JWTs to our users. We will be accepting their login (username and password) and if they’re valid, we will issue them JWTs which they can use to further access our APIs.

The koa-jwt package no longer supports issuing tokens. We have to use the jsonwebtoken package for that instead. Personally, I like to create a helper function in my custom jwt.js module like this:

Then we can write a new route on our public router like this:

We have hardcoded the username and password here. In production environments, we would store the details in a database and we would hash the password. No one in their right mind should store password in plain text.

In this view, we are accepting a JSON payload and checking the username and password. And then if the details match, we are issuing the token. To test if it’s working, we can make a curl request and checkout the response:

If it worked, we will get a JSON back with a token value containing the JWT.

Using the JWT

We made a request and got the following response:

That is our token. Now we can start using it in the Authorization header. The format should be like:Authorization: Bearer <Token> . We can make a request to our secured “/people” resource using curl with this header:

We will now get back the list of people we have stored in our mongodb.


Django REST Framework: JSON Web Tokens (JWT)

(This post is a part of a tutorial series on Building REST APIs in Django)

Our last post was about Authentication and Permissions and we covered the available methods of authentication in Django REST Framework. In that post, we learned how to use the built in Token based authentication in DRF. In this post, we will learn more about JSON Web Tokens aka JWT and we will see if JWT can be a better authentication mechanism for securing our REST APIs.

Understanding JSON Web Tokens (JWTs)

We have actually written a detailed blog post about JSON Web Tokens earlier. In case you have missed it, you probably should read it first. We have also described how to use JWT with Flask – reading that one might also help better understand how things work. And of course, we will briefly cover the idea of JWT in this post as well.

If we want to put it simply – you take some data in JSON format, you hash it with a secret and you get a string that you use as a token. You (your web app actually) pass this token to the user when s/he logs in. The user takes the token and on subsequent requests, passes it back in the “Authorization” header. The web app now takes this token back, “decodes” it back to the original JSON payload. It can now read the stored data (identity of the user, token expiry and other data which was embedded in the JSON). While decoding, the same secret is used, so third party attackers can’t just forge a JWT. We would want our token to be small in size, so the JSON payload is usually intentionally kept small. And of course, it should not contain any sensitive information like user password.

JWT vs DRF’s Token Based Authentication

So in our last blog post, we saw Django REST Framework includes a token based authentication system which can generate a token for the user. That works fine, right? Why would we want to switch to JSON Web Tokens instead of that?

Let’s first see how DRF generates the tokens:

It’s just random. The token generated can not be anyway related to the user that it belongs to. So how does it associate a token with an user? It stores the token and a reference to the user in a table in database. Here comes the first point – while using DRF’s token based auth, we need to query database on every request (unless of course we have cached that token which). But what if we have multiple application servers? Now we need all our application servers to connect to the same database or same cache server. How will that scale when the project gets really really big? What if we want to provide single sign on across multiple services? We will need to maintain a central auth service where other services request to verify a token. Can JWT simplify these for us?

JWT is just an encoded (read – hashed / signed) JSON data. As long as any webservice has access to the secret used in signing the data, it can also decode and read the embedded data. It doesn’t need any database calls. You can generate the token from one service and other services can read and verify it just fine. It’s more efficient and simply scales better.

JWT in Django REST Framework

DRF does not directly support JWTs out of the box. But there’s an excellent package that adds support for it. Let’s see how easily we can integrate JWT in our REST APIs.

Install and Configure

Let’s first install the package using pip –

That should install the package. Now we need to add rest_framework_jwt.authentication.JSONWebTokenAuthentication to the default authentication classes in REST Framework settings.

We added it to the top of the list. Next, we just have to add it’s built in view to our urlpatterns.

Obtain a Token

The obtain_jwt_token view will check the user credentials and provide a JWT if everything goes alright. Let’s try it.

Awesome, everything worked just fine. We have got our token too. What do we do next? We use this token to access a secured resource.

Using the obtained JWT

We need to pass the token in the form of JWT <token> as the value of the Authorization header. Here’s a sample curl request:

So our token worked fine! Cool!

Where to go next?

Now that you have seen how simple and easy it is to add JSON Web Token based authentication to Django REST Framework, you probably should dive deeper into the package documentation. Specially these topics might be interesting –

  • Refresh Tokens: If you enable JWT token refreshing, you can exchange your current token with a new, fresh one before the existing one expires. The new token will of course have a renewed expiry time set.
  • Verify Token: If you just share the secret, all services can verify the user on their own. However, in modern micro service based architecture, you may want to provide an API end point that other services can use to verify a JWT they received from the user. This can be useful for those scenarios.
  • And of course look at the settings options available and see how you can customize the token generation process.

In the future, we shall try to cover more about Django, Django REST Framework and Python in general. If you liked the content, please subscribe to the mailing list so we can notify you when we post new contents.


JWT Authentication with Python and Flask

In our blog post about HTTP Authentication, we promised we would next cover JSON Web Tokens aka JWT based authentication. So we wrote a detailed blog post on The Concepts of JWT explaining how the technology works behind the scene. And in this blog post, we would see how we can actually implement it in our REST API. In case you have missed them, we have also explained the basics of REST APIs  along with a Python / Flask tutorial walking through some of the best practices.

PyJWT or a Flask Extension?

In our last blog post on JWT, we saw code examples based on the PyJWT library. A quick Google search also revealed a couple of Flask specific libraries. What do we use?

We can implement the functionality with PyJWT alright. It will allow us fine grained control. We would be able to customize every aspect of how the authentication process works. On the other hand, if we use Flask extensions, we would need to do less since these libraries or extensions already provide some sort of integrations with Flask itself. Also personally, I tend to choose my framework specific libraries for a task. They reduce the amount of task required to get things going.

In this blog post, we would be using the Flask-JWT package.

Getting Started

Before we can begin, we have to install the package using pip.

We also need an API end point that we want to secure. We can refer to the initial code we wrote for our HTTP Auth tutorial.

Now we work on securing it 🙂

Flask JWT Conventions

Flask JWT has the following convention:

  • There needs to be two functions – one for authenticating the user, this would be quite similar to the verify function we wrote in our last tutorial (http auth tutorial). The second function’s job is to identify user from a token. Let’s call this function identity.
  • The authentication function must return an object instance that has an attribute named id.
  • To secure an endpoint, we use the @jwt_required decorator.
  • An API endpoint is setup at /auth that accepts username and password via JSON payload and returns access_token which is the JSON Web Token we can use.
  • We must pass the token as part of the Authorization header, like – JWT <token>.

Authentication and Identity

First let’s write the function that will authenticate the user. The function will take in username and password and return an object instance that has the id attribute. In general, we would use database and the id would be user id. But for this example, we would just create an object with an ID of our choice.

We are storing the user details in a dictionary like before. We have created User class with id attribute so we can fulfil the requirement of having id attribute. In our verify function, we compare the username and password and if it matches, we return an User instance with the id being 123. We will use this function to verify user logins.

Next we need the identity function that will give us user details for a logged in user.

The identity function will receive the decoded JWT. An example would be like:

Note the identity key in the dictionary. It’s the value we set in the id attribute of the object returned from the verify function. We should load the user details based on this value. But since we are not using the database, we are just constructing a simple dictionary with the user id.

Securing Endpoint

Now that we have a function to authenticate and another function to identify the user, we can start integrating Flask JWT with our REST API. First the imports:

Then we construct the jwt instance:

We pass the flask app instance, the authentication function and the identity function to the JWT class.

Then in the resource, we use the @jwt_required decorator to enforce authentication.

Please note the jwt_required decorator takes a parameter (realm) which has a default value of None. Since it takes the parameter, we must use the parentheses to call the function first – @jwt_required() and not just @jwt_required. If this doesn’t make sense right away, don’t worry, please do some study on how decorators work in Python and it will come to you 🙂

Here’s the full code:

Looks good? Let’s try it out.

Trying it out

Run the app and try to access the secured resource:

Makes sense. The endpoint now requires authorization token. But we don’t have one, yet!

Let’s get one – we must send a POST request to /auth with a JSON payload containing username and password. Please note, the api prefix is not used, that is the url for the auth end point is not /api/v1/auth. But it is just /auth.

Cool, we got the token. Now let’s use it to access the resource.

Whoa, it worked! Amazing, now our JWT authentication is working great!

Getting the Authenticated User

Once our JWT authentication is functional, we can get the currently authenticated user by using the current_identity object.

Let’s add the import:

And then let’s update our resource to return the logged in user identity.

The current_identity object is a LocalProxy instance which can’t be directly JSON serialized. But if we pass it to a dict() call, we can get a dictionary representation.

Now let’s try it out:

As we can see the current_identity object returns the exact same data our identity function returns because Flask JWT uses that function to load the user identity.

What’s Next?

Go ahead and implement the same functionality using PyJWT and your own code. You will need to create an endpoint that encodes current user data and returns the access token. Then you will need to intercept the http headers, parse the Authorization header and verify the JWT token. It should be a fun and yet excellent learning exercise.