
API Star: Python 3 API Framework

For building quick APIs in Python, I have mostly depended on Flask. Recently I came across a new API framework for Python 3 named “API Star” which seemed really interesting to me for several reasons. Firstly the framework embraces modern Python features like type hints and asyncio. And then it goes ahead and uses these features to provide awesome development experience for us, the developers. We will get into those features soon but before we begin, I would like to thank Tom Christie for all the work he has put into Django REST Framework and now API Star.

Now back to API Star – I feel very productive in the framework. I can choose to write async codes based on asyncio or I can choose a traditional backend like WSGI. It comes with a command line tool – apistar to help us get things done faster. There’s (optional) support for both Django ORM and SQLAlchemy.  There’s a brilliant type system that enables us to define constraints on our input and output and from these, API Star can auto generate api schemas (and docs), provide validation and serialization feature and a lot more. Although API Star is heavily focused on building APIs, you can also build web applications on top of it fairly easily. All these might not make proper sense until we build something all by ourselves.

Getting Started

We will start by installing API Star. It would be a good idea to create a virtual environment for this exercise. If you don’t know how to create a virtualenv, don’t worry and go ahead.

If you’re not using a virtual environment or the pip command for your Python 3 is called pip3, then please use pip3 install apistar instead.

Once we have the package installed, we should have access to the apistar command line tool. We can create a new project with it. Let’s create a new project in our current directory.

Now we should have two files created – – which contains the main application and then for our tests. Let’s examine our file:

Before we dive into the code, let’s run the app and see if it works. If we navigate to we will get this following response:

And if we navigate to:

Similarly if we navigate to:, we will see auto generated docs for our API.

Now let’s look at the code. We have a welcome function that takes a parameter named name which has a default value of None. API Star is a smart api framework. It will try to find the name key in the url path or query string and pass it to our function. It also generates the API docs based on it. Pretty nice, no?

We then create a list of Route and Include instances and pass the list to the App instance. Route objects are used to define custom user routing. Include , as the name suggests, includes/embeds other routes under the path provided to it.


Routing is simple. When constructing the App instance, we need to pass a list as the routes argument. This list should comprise of Route or Include objects as we just saw above. For Routes, we pass a url path, http method name and the request handler callable (function or otherwise). For the Include instances, we pass a url path and a list of Routes instance.

Path Parameters

We can put a name inside curly braces to declare a url path parameter. For example /user/{user_id} defines a path where the user_id is a path parameter or a  variable which will be injected into the handler function (actually callable). Here’s a quick example:

If we visit we will get a response like this:

But if we try to visit – it will not match. Because the user_profile function we defined, we added a type hint for the user_id parameter. If it’s not integer, the path doesn’t match. But if we go ahead and delete the type hint and just use user_profile(user_id), it will match this url. This is again API Star is being smart and taking advantages of typing.

Including / Grouping Routes

Sometimes it might make sense to group certain urls together. Say we have a user module that deals with user related functionality. It might be better to group all the user related endpoints under the /user path. For example – /user/new, /user/1, /user/1/update and what not. We can easily create our handlers and routes in a separate module or package even and then include them in our own routes.

Let’s create a new module named user, the file name would be Let’s put these codes in this file:

Now we can import our user_routes from within our main app file and use it like this:

Now /user/new will delegate to user_new function.

Accessing Query String / Query Parameters

Any parameters passed in the query parameters can be injected directly into handler function. Say for the url /call?phone=1234, the handler function can define a phone parameter and it will receive the value from the query string / query parameters. If the url query string doesn’t include a value for phone, it will get None instead. We can also set a default value to the parameter like this:

In the above example, we set a default value to name which is None anyway.

Injecting Objects

By type hinting a request handler, we can have different objects injected into our views. Injecting request related objects can be helpful for accessing them directly from inside the handler. There are several built in objects in the http package from API Star itself. We can also use it’s type system to create our own custom objects and have them injected into our functions. API Star also does data validation based on the constraints specified.

Let’s define our own User type and have it injected in our request handler:

Now if we send this request:

Guess what happens? We get an error saying age must be equal to or greater than 18. The type system is allowing us intelligent data validation as well. If we enable the docs url, we will also get these parameters automatically documented there.

Sending a Response

If you have noticed so far, we can just pass a dictionary and it will be JSON encoded and returned by default. However, we can set the status code and any additional headers by using the Response class from apistar. Here’s a quick example:

It should send a plain text response along with a custom header. Please note that the content should be bytes, not string. That’s why I encoded it.

Moving On

I just walked through some of the features of API Star. There’s a lot more of cool stuff in API Star. I do recommend going through the Github Readme for learning more about different features offered by this excellent framework. I shall also try to cover short, focused tutorials on API Star in the coming days.


Deploying A Flask based REST API to AWS Lambda (Serverless) using Zappa

I have heard about AWS Lambda and all the cool things happening in the serverless world. I have also deployed Go functions using the Apex framework for serverless deployment. But recently I have started working on some Python projects again and decided to see how well the Python community is adapting to the serverless era. Not to my surprise, the Python community is doing great as usual. I quickly found an awesome framework named Zappa which makes deploying Python code to AWS Lambda very easy. Python is already natively supported on the AWS Lambda platform. But with the native support you need to configure the API Gateway, S3 bucket and other stuff on your own. Thanks to Zappa, these things are now automated to our convenience. We can easily deploy WSGI apps as well. That means, we can now take our Flask / Django / API Star apps and deploy them to AWS Lambda – with ease and simplicity. In this blog post, I will quickly walk through how to deploy a flask based rest api to the serverless cloud. If you want to learn more about API integration you can look for Jitterbit.

Setup Flask App

Before we can get started, we need to create a simple flask app. Here’s a quick rest api (that doesn’t do much):

Let’s save the above code in We can now install Flask using pip:

And then run the code:

This should run our app and we should be able to visit to see the output.

Setting Up AWS

Please make sure you have an account for AWS where you have added your credit card and completed the sign up process. AWS Lambda has 1 million free requests per month which is promised to be always free (not for the first 12 months or anything). When you add your card, you shall also be eligible for a free tier of S3 for 12 months. So you won’t be charged for trying out a sample app deployment. So don’t worry about adding a card. In fact, adding a card is a requirement for getting the free tier.

Once you have your AWS account setup, click on your name (top right) and click “My Security Credentials”. From there, choose the “Access Keys” section and generate a new pair of key and secret. Store them in your ~/.aws/credentials file. AWS Cli (and Zappa) will use these to connect to AWS services and perform required actions. The file should look like this:

I have created two profiles here. Named profiles are useful if you have more than one accounts/projects/environments to work with. After adding the credentials, add the region information in ~/.aws/config:

This will mostly help with choosing the default region for your app. Once you have these AWS settings configured, you can get started with Zappa.

Install and Configure Zappa

First install Zappa:

Now cd into the project directory (where our flask app is). Then run:

Zappa should guide you through the settings it needs. It should also detect the Flask app and auto complete the app ( ) for you. Once the wizard finishes, you’re ready to deploy your API.

This should now deploy the app to the dev stage. You can configure different stages for your app in Zappa settings. Once you make some code changes, you can update the app:

Both of these commands should print out the url for the app. In my case, the url is: 🙂

What’s Next?

Congratulations, you just deployed a Flask rest api to AWS Lambda using Zappa. You can make the url shorter by pointing a domain to it from your AWS console. To know more about Zappa and all the great things it can do, please check out Zappa on Github.


Django REST Framework: JSON Web Tokens (JWT)

(This post is a part of a tutorial series on Building REST APIs in Django)

Our last post was about Authentication and Permissions and we covered the available methods of authentication in Django REST Framework. In that post, we learned how to use the built in Token based authentication in DRF. In this post, we will learn more about JSON Web Tokens aka JWT and we will see if JWT can be a better authentication mechanism for securing our REST APIs.

Understanding JSON Web Tokens (JWTs)

We have actually written a detailed blog post about JSON Web Tokens earlier. In case you have missed it, you probably should read it first. We have also described how to use JWT with Flask – reading that one might also help better understand how things work. And of course, we will briefly cover the idea of JWT in this post as well.

If we want to put it simply – you take some data in JSON format, you hash it with a secret and you get a string that you use as a token. You (your web app actually) pass this token to the user when s/he logs in. The user takes the token and on subsequent requests, passes it back in the “Authorization” header. The web app now takes this token back, “decodes” it back to the original JSON payload. It can now read the stored data (identity of the user, token expiry and other data which was embedded in the JSON). While decoding, the same secret is used, so third party attackers can’t just forge a JWT. We would want our token to be small in size, so the JSON payload is usually intentionally kept small. And of course, it should not contain any sensitive information like user password.

JWT vs DRF’s Token Based Authentication

So in our last blog post, we saw Django REST Framework includes a token based authentication system which can generate a token for the user. That works fine, right? Why would we want to switch to JSON Web Tokens instead of that?

Let’s first see how DRF generates the tokens:

It’s just random. The token generated can not be anyway related to the user that it belongs to. So how does it associate a token with an user? It stores the token and a reference to the user in a table in database. Here comes the first point – while using DRF’s token based auth, we need to query database on every request (unless of course we have cached that token which). But what if we have multiple application servers? Now we need all our application servers to connect to the same database or same cache server. How will that scale when the project gets really really big? What if we want to provide single sign on across multiple services? We will need to maintain a central auth service where other services request to verify a token. Can JWT simplify these for us?

JWT is just an encoded (read – hashed / signed) JSON data. As long as any webservice has access to the secret used in signing the data, it can also decode and read the embedded data. It doesn’t need any database calls. You can generate the token from one service and other services can read and verify it just fine. It’s more efficient and simply scales better.

JWT in Django REST Framework

DRF does not directly support JWTs out of the box. But there’s an excellent package that adds support for it. Let’s see how easily we can integrate JWT in our REST APIs.

Install and Configure

Let’s first install the package using pip –

That should install the package. Now we need to add rest_framework_jwt.authentication.JSONWebTokenAuthentication to the default authentication classes in REST Framework settings.

We added it to the top of the list. Next, we just have to add it’s built in view to our urlpatterns.

Obtain a Token

The obtain_jwt_token view will check the user credentials and provide a JWT if everything goes alright. Let’s try it.

Awesome, everything worked just fine. We have got our token too. What do we do next? We use this token to access a secured resource.

Using the obtained JWT

We need to pass the token in the form of JWT <token> as the value of the Authorization header. Here’s a sample curl request:

So our token worked fine! Cool!

Where to go next?

Now that you have seen how simple and easy it is to add JSON Web Token based authentication to Django REST Framework, you probably should dive deeper into the package documentation. Specially these topics might be interesting –

  • Refresh Tokens: If you enable JWT token refreshing, you can exchange your current token with a new, fresh one before the existing one expires. The new token will of course have a renewed expiry time set.
  • Verify Token: If you just share the secret, all services can verify the user on their own. However, in modern micro service based architecture, you may want to provide an API end point that other services can use to verify a JWT they received from the user. This can be useful for those scenarios.
  • And of course look at the settings options available and see how you can customize the token generation process.

In the future, we shall try to cover more about Django, Django REST Framework and Python in general. If you liked the content, please subscribe to the mailing list so we can notify you when we post new contents.