
Getting permanently rid of GP’s low quality image

After doing much R&D I have finally got a permanent solution for getting rid of Grameen Phone’s data optimization. If you’re a Grameen Phone internet subscriber, you might know that a few days ago GP started a new drama named “data optimization”. They’re sending cached images to save bandwidth. These images are of low quality. Not only that, they’re also changing the html code related to the images. This is quite unacceptable. I was looking for some firefox add on to change the http headers so that I can force firefox to always download the images ignoring the cached content. I found “Modify Headers” add on last night and was planning to make a blog post. But my friend Tushar did that first 🙂 We didn’t know that both of us were looking for the same thing 😀 A few hours back, I read his blog post. He did a really cool job!

Read Here — this is the tutorial by Tushar. I’d hate to repeat it here. In short, you install an add on and configure it so that firefox always ignores any cached contents and force downloads the actual contents.

Please read the article and get rid of this sh*t! Just remember, this add on will increase your bandwidth slightly. Your connection might seem a bit slow as well since firefox will download the items every time!

UPDATE: Your saved session or active logins will be reset if you use the add on. You’ll need to login again once you quit firefox!

Hats off to Tushar, great job man!

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