
Low Quality Image in GP Internet : The Solution

Here’s my chat transcript for a customer manager, reading this will halfway solve your problem.

masnun [1:40:03 PM]: EDGE/Coverage/VAS
System [1:40:03 PM]: Connection established.
System [1:40:13 PM]: Initiating Chat, Please Wait.
System [1:40:13 PM]: Welcome to GrameenPhone Online Customer Service
System [1:40:13 PM]:
System [1:40:14 PM]: Connecting… An Online Customer Service Manager will be with you shortly.
System [1:40:14 PM]: Kindly be patient while one of our Customer Service Manager will respond to your query.
Minhaj [1:40:31 PM]: Good Afternoon Mr. Masnun, how may I assist you?
masnun [1:40:57 PM]: I need to check my P2 balance
masnun [1:41:10 PM]: and I have one more query after that
Minhaj [1:41:46 PM]: Please allow me some time to check that
Minhaj [1:43:35 PM]: You have used 3480.80 MB in your phone till today,Sir
masnun [1:44:19 PM]: ok
masnun [1:44:36 PM]: Why am I getting low quality images?
Minhaj [1:45:46 PM]: Please wait for a while
masnun [1:45:58 PM]: ok
======= 5 minutes break =======
Minhaj [1:50:19 PM]: How Long you are having this problem,Sir?
masnun [1:50:33 PM]: last 2-3 days
Minhaj [1:51:27 PM]: Alright sir
masnun [1:52:16 PM]: what?
masnun [1:52:33 PM]: I don’t see anything right here
Minhaj [1:52:51 PM]: This happening because of Data Optimization
Minhaj [1:53:18 PM]: To avoid this Press Ctrl+f5 which will reload the existing page in un-optimized mode & from there onwards the customer will experience the un-optimized mode till the cache of the browser is cleared
masnun [1:53:51 PM]: Do you know my browser?
masnun [1:54:15 PM]: I’m using Google Chrome
masnun [1:54:17 PM]: what do I do?
masnun [1:54:26 PM]: same?
Minhaj [1:55:00 PM]: Yes sir
masnun [1:55:12 PM]: trying
Minhaj [1:55:15 PM]: After that please press Shift + R
masnun [1:55:24 PM]: btw what kind of optimization is this?
masnun [1:55:37 PM]: can you give me details?
masnun [1:55:43 PM]: and why are you doing this?
masnun [1:56:21 PM]: and what do I do with Firefox?
Minhaj [1:57:22 PM]: This is a provision given to the customer if the customer feels that the image quality needs to be improved or the image needs to be downloaded, which is right now a website specific provision & may not work for all the web pages. But this provision will be applicable for all the web pages as the development is in progress.
masnun [1:57:52 PM]: You gave me wrong shortcut
masnun [1:58:45 PM]: It’s Ctrl + Shift + R for Google chrome
masnun [1:58:59 PM]: no need for Ctrl + F5
Minhaj [2:00:04 PM]: Alright sir
masnun [2:00:29 PM]: what do I have to do in Firefox and IE?
masnun [2:01:26 PM]: ok found on FF
masnun [2:01:35 PM]: same Ctrl + Shift + R
Minhaj [2:01:53 PM]: Please press Shift + R, then refresh the page
masnun [2:02:33 PM]: on IE9 beta
masnun [2:02:40 PM]: just Ctrl + R works
masnun [2:02:53 PM]: sorry
masnun [2:03:04 PM]: Ctrl + F5 in IE9 BEta
masnun [2:03:21 PM]: thanks for the balance inquiry
masnun [2:03:47 PM]: and please note that Shift + R and Ctrl + F5 doesn’t work for other browsers
masnun [2:03:57 PM]: the shortcuts I just gave you
Minhaj [2:04:03 PM]: Thanks for your sharing sir
masnun [2:04:10 PM]: I’ve tested on FF 3.6.8
masnun [2:04:14 PM]: Chrome 6
masnun [2:04:16 PM]: and IE 9
masnun [2:04:18 PM]: 🙂
masnun [2:04:21 PM]: you’re welcome
masnun [2:04:24 PM]: bye
Minhaj [2:04:31 PM]: Thank you for being with us, have a nice time!
System [2:04:35 PM]: Chat session is over, Thank you for using Online Customer Service

Grameen Phone has included some sort of data optimization. It loads low quality image by default. You need to use the following keyboard shortcuts to get rid of the low quality images:

You need to clear your cache to remove the old images in the cache. First clear it. Then use the shortcut.

IE9 Beta: Ctrl + F5
Google Chrome 6: Ctrl + Shift + R
Firefox 3.6.8: Ctrl + Shift + R

If you again clear your cache, you will be getting low quality images. So whenever you clear the cache, do hit the shortcut as well 😀

5 replies on “Low Quality Image in GP Internet : The Solution”

so, GP is now controlling and watchdog-ing our data.
long been I’ve been having a vibe that, GP has all the great ideas to un-attract internet customers. I guess they really need to cut their GPRS/EDGE client count.

Good job GP, u s__k

i’ve tried the shortcuts.. and got clear image in one page.. but when i open a new tab to go on other page (specially in facebook)….. the same low quality image…
same things happening in firefox and chrome …

is there any solution??

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