
Building a Jabber Bot (Google Talk) with Python and Google App Engine

To develop a Jabber / Google Talk Bot, we first need to enable the XMPP inbound service for the application. Just add the lines:

to your app.yaml file. That would activate the service for our application. Have a look at my application’s app.yaml file:

Now, we have the app configured, we need to do the actual coding. Every GAE app has it’s own IM id: [application_id] 🙂 There are other extensive IDs also available but for this task we will use this format. So, my app has the ID: as it’s Jabber / Google Talk ID. If the user adds this ID to his/her contact list, it’ll auto accept the friend invitation and appear online. Now when he/she sends a message, the message is sent as a POST request to the url: /_ah/xmpp/message/chat/ . This URL is not publicly accessible without admin rights. Our app can handle this URL like any other URL. So we need to setup a request handler for any POST request to this URL.

GAE has a nice API for it’s XMPP service which lets us build a Message object directly from the POSTed data. We will do that. Extract the message parts and send a response back. Here is source code for “”:

5 replies on “Building a Jabber Bot (Google Talk) with Python and Google App Engine”

Thank, can you help me some code to bot chat can reply from excel or txt file database

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