
Cracking Admin Account in XP

This trick allows a limited user to crack into an admin account. This works for most cases. Here’s a step by step tutorial:

  • Run Command Prompt (Go to Run > Type “cmd.exe” > Hit enter).
  • On the prompt, type: AT (time) /interactive “cmd.exe” [Instead of (time), type a time in 24 hour format. Eg. 17:00 for 5pm].
  • A new command prompt will pop up with the specified time.
  • On this new prompt, type: net [space] user.
  • This command will retrieve the accounts on the network.
  • Notice the name of an admin account.
  • Now, type: “net user [admin_account] *” (Don’t forget the: “*” at the end of the command)
  • You will now be asked for a new password for that account.
  • Type a password and you are done J

NOTE: This will not work in Vista.