
Working with the Google Chart (Visualization) JavaScript APIs

For a current project at my workplace I need a good charting solution. I need a pie chart for now, on which people can actually click and interact. I found a few tools and went for the Google Visualization APIs. The APIs are a set of JS libraries which let you build quick charts and graphics out of data tables. I started trying the sample codes on the Google Ajax playground and quickly understood which way to go to get things right. First I must make it clear that, Iโ€™m no Javascript pro. I have coded with jQuery a few times before and I have no real experience with JS until today. It is just today I spent a good amount of time with the Facebook JS APIs. Who knows if itโ€™s the brilliant documentation at the Google Code or my fast learning ability, it took me just one hour to learn the Visualization APIs and cook something up from scratch.

Hereโ€™s the source code:

Itโ€™s very simple and easy. First we include the root javascript from: and then put the above codes in a script tag inside head.

We use the google loader to load the visualization package and then use it to build a PieChart. When the loading is done, the setOnLoadCallback() method invokes another function to proceed with further execution. We packed our main code inside a drawChart() function and set it as the callback.

To assemble the data, we first need a DataTable. A data table is an object with virtual columns and rows. First, we need to define the columns. We do that by calling the addColumn() method. The first parameter is the data type and the second one is the name. In our example, we added two columns.

Next, we call the addRows() passing an integer as the only parameter. This method creates โ€œfillerโ€ or empty sets for putting data into.

Then, we use the setValue() call to insert/update data. The first parameter is the row number counted from 0. The second one is the index of column. Remember the sequence of the column definitions? Yes, follow that sequence. The first column is the index 0. The 3rd parameter is the actual value for that row and column.

The above call will insert the string โ€œmeaowโ€ into the second column of the 3rd row. Itโ€™s easy! ๐Ÿ™‚
PS: Please be aware of the data type of the column while inserting/updating data.

Now that we have a DataTable at our disposal, all we need to do is feed this data to a PieChart and draw it up. First, we created a new div with the id โ€œchartโ€. This div will be holding the chart. Then we call the PieChart constructor with this div element. Then we call the draw() method of the chart object to paint it on the screen. The first parameter is the datatable and the second one is an object (dictionary/associative array like) defining the look and feel of the charts.

That draws the chart alright. But I need to let the users interact with the chart. So, I added a Listener to listen to any โ€œselectโ€ events and call the handler function back. We get a event object but for select events, they donโ€™t have any properties. That is they donโ€™t tell you what the user clicked. You have to get the data by calling the getSelection() method of the chart. The returned object will have โ€œrowโ€ and โ€œcolumnโ€ values. For PieChart, alone the row value does the job. We get the row index. Then call the getValue() method of the data table to get the value of a certain column in a row. In this case, I just iterated over both columns. Built a text string out of the data and dynamically updated a div with that!

Itโ€™s pretty simple. Itโ€™s powerful and user friendly as well.

PS: I really liked the Google Ajax Playground. I am gonna play a lot in there from now on ๐Ÿ™‚
I just realized Iโ€™m becoming a good coder as well. I wrote the above codes without any pretty printer or code formatter. It looks well indented to me ๐Ÿ˜€


Using The Facebook Graph API with js-sdk : An explanatory Tutorial

The facebook Graph API has a nice Javascript SDK to build applications using JS. The most important benefit is that with JS you could tightly integrate the Facebook Graph API with your web application.

Integration is quite easy. First we add a fbAsyncInit object to the window object for asynchronous initiating. The following code snippet was borrowed from the official docs and then slightly modified:

Thanks to the elegance of Javascript, we called the newly constructed object immediately after initiating, with a callback that loaded the JS sdk on our page. We registered the auth.login, auth.logout events and for initially looking for any logged in user, we made the getLoginStatus() call. In fact this code snippet initiates the facebook access on the page. Registering the events to our custom functions, we just made sure that, we know when something important happens. While iniating, if the user is already logged in, the login() function gets called because of the getLoginStatus() call. Later, after initiating, if the user logs in or logs out, the auth.login and auth.logout events get fired. Our registered handlers will be called in those cases.

To make things easy for the end user, you can use a fb:login-button tag from FBML. I believe Facebook app developers are already aware of that. Still, I was just reminding that you can still use those tags ๐Ÿ˜€ A login button is going to help you. Because, itโ€™s mandatory that you call the FB.login() on an user event (like button click) because most browsers wonโ€™t allow opening a popup on a non-user event.

Now the user is logged in and authorized the apps, you can start customizing your contents for the user. You can always check for available users by calling the FB.getSession() function. It returns null if no user is available, otherwise, it returns a session object with access_token, app key and secret and most importantly the user uid.

You can use the dir() function on the session object to explore it on the Firebug console.

Now, you can make calls to the Graph API using the normal path pattern:

The above code will alert() the userโ€™s latest photo URI. Well, make sure that the applicaton has permissions to make the calls.

You can even mix up with the legacy API by passing an object with a โ€œmethodโ€ parameter pointing to the method name and related args. You can build the Facbook UIs using the FB.ui() call. Have a look how we use legacy API and UI to build a nifty sharing dialog box.

Here, instead of alert()ing the response, we logged it to the console ๐Ÿ˜€

In this way, you can interact with the user the way you want. Itโ€™s plain and simple. So, start digging now and have fun.

The Offcial js-sdk docs can be found here:

Happy developing! Happy Facebooking! ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€


JSDB: A JavaScript Interpreter

Recently I have taken keen interest in JavaScript, mainly because to handle jQuery better. I have always found JS very cool but never had the time to dig deeper into the language. In this EID vacation at KU, I had plenty of leisure times even after my tasks at Leevio and the free lance jobs. I started passing time with JS and found something really cool that I didnโ€™t know so far.

JavaScript is a programming language. Yeah, just like the interpreted languages like Python, PHP and Ruby, JS is another good old programming language. My ignorance, I never knew this! ๐Ÿ™ I have always thought that JavaScript is merely a client side scripting language that works with web browsers only ๐Ÿ˜›

My perceptions started changing few months ago when I saw some server side applications of JavaScript coding. Lately, a few days back I saw the node.js projects which is quite similar to the Twisted project implemented in Python. I started wondering how JS is being interpreted on the server side. Google answered me ๐Ÿ˜€ There are JavaScript interpreters for even shell scripting ๐Ÿ™‚

I first tried the interpreters from Mozilla but unfortunately couldnโ€™t make them work on my machine. So, I switched to JSDB ๐Ÿ˜€ The interpreter is available free for download at: ๐Ÿ™‚

They say on their homepage:

JSDB is JavaScript for databases, a scripting language for data-driven, network-centric programming on Windows, Mac, Linux, and SunOS. JSDB works with databases, XML, the web, and email. It is free and open-source. Use it as a JavaScript shell, to run CGI programs, or as a web server.

Yeah, I indeed use it as a JavaScript Shell ๐Ÿ˜€

Here is the Documentation of what JSDB has inside. I have made a PDF print out of the page for offline reading!

I really find the tool interesting because I am writing small throw away programs those are not really that much useful but the development curve is contributing to my JS skills ๐Ÿ˜€