
Creating a Twitter Retweet Bot in Python

We want to create a bot that will track specific topics and retweet them. We shall use the Twitter Streaming API to track topics. We will use the popular tweepy package to interact with Twitter.

Let’s first install Tweepy

We need to create a Twitter app and get the tokens. We can do that from :

Now let’s see the codes:

The code is pretty much self explanatory:

  • We create a Twitter API client using the oAuth details we got earlier
  • We subclass StreamListener to implement our own on_data method
  • We create an instance of this class, then create a new Stream by passing the auth handler and the listener
  • We use the track method to track a number of topics we are interested in
  • When we start to track the topics, it will pass the data to on_data method where we parse the tweet, check some common words to avoid, check language and then retweet it.

Scrapy: Scraping each type of Item to it’s own collection in mongodb

I am using Scrapy and I have two different Items. I want to store entries for each specific item to it’s own mongo collection. For example, let’s assume this is what I have in the file:

I want to store Student items to student collection and Course items to course collection. How do we do that?

If you have used Scrapy before, you already know that for storing data, we use Pipelines. Here’s our own MongoPipeline that stores items to their own collection:

So this is what’s happening:

  • We’re using PyMongo as the mongodb driver
  • I have the MongoDB related configurations to settings. I am getting them and constructing a mongodb client. I am also selecting the database based on a setting
  • In the process_item function, we are getting the type of the item and lowering it’s name. This type name would serve as the mongodb collection name for us.
  • We are inserting the item. We’re calling dict() on the item to get a dictionary representation which we can directly save using PyMongo.

That’s it. Now if you run your spiders, items of each type will go to it’s own collection on mongodb.

Mac Python

Fixing fatal error: ‘openssl/aes.h’ file not found on OS X

OS X recently started using their own library instead of OpenSSL. So new installations for anything that depends on OpenSSL might fail. If you already have OpenSSL installed on your system, for example using Homebrew, you just need to point to the library while compiling your program.

For example, if you’re trying to install the popular cryptography package from PyPI, you can do these:

The above mentioned package is a common dependency of many other packages, for example Scrapy. So if you encounter an issue like this, try installing that single dependency first and then the dependent package. In this case, first use the above command to install the cryptography package and later install Scrapy.