
Symfony2 Forms and Doctrine Entity: Unique field values validation

If you’re using Symfony2 forms paired with Doctrine entities, you might sometimes need to validate fields so that the values in that field is always unique. Say – “username” field or “email” field. Two users must not have the same username or email.

There is a form validation constraint – “Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Validator\Constraints\UniqueEntity” which integrates nicely with your entity and allows unique values validation when the form is submitted. Let’s look at some code samples to see how it works:

Here, the email and username fields will be checked for duplicate values and the defined message will be displayed if duplicate values are found.


Symfony2 & Doctrine: Custom Entity Repositories

In Symfony2, we can easily map a custom repository class for an entity. This allows us to extend the functionality of the repository. For example, we can add custom methods for even more customizable data retrieval. Without any ado, let’s jump into codes.

First, create the class which will act as the repository. It must extend “Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository”. Here, we’re creating a repository for “User” objects inside “WeCodePHP\HomeBundle\Entity”. You can get the entity manager using “$this->getEntityManager()” inside a method.

Now, in the original entity, we need to define which class should be used as the repository class. We do that like this:

The repositoryClass tells Symfony2 about the custom repository.

Now, we can call our custom methods with ease:

Custom repository is what we very often do in models in other frameworks.


Using annotations in PHP with Doctrine Annotation Reader

Ever since I have seen the use of Annotations in Symfony2 framework, I have been looking for a way to use them in my own projects as well. After looking into the Symfony2’s source code, I noticed that they are indirectly using Doctrine’s Annotation Reader. Reading annotation from your own class is pretty easy. PHP includes the docblocks in the different reflection objects. You just have to read the docblock and parse it. Doctrine does it pretty nicely. Let’s see an example!

To get started, you first need to install doctrine-common package. I recommend you install using composer. Here’s my composer.json for the project:

Now, we need to define the annotation classes. Every annotation you use should have a class with the same name. Doctrine Annotation Reader will map those annotations with these classes and pass the values to the public properties of these classes.

In our example, we shall use one annotation class named – “AnnotatedDescription”. It can be directly passed a value, like:

or in an associative fashion –

We shall allow two keys – “desc” and “type” in these example. But feel free to add your own. Again, in real life, I would declare separate classes for capturing single value and key-value pairs.

Lets declare the AnnotatedDescription class in annotations.php:

Note that, the $value property is used for annotations which accept just a value. For key value pairs, we must declare properties with the key names. You *must* annotate the classes with @Annotation to let Doctrine’s Annotation Reader know that this class should be used for annotations mapping.

Now, lets see the parser file (parse_annotations.php):

The code is pretty much self explanatory. We instantiate “Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader” and use it’s different methods to get the annotations. You might want to study the source code of “Doctrine\Common\Annotations” namespace for even detailed usages.

Note that we must pass reflection objects for the class, properties and methods (eg. ReflectionClass, ReflectionObject, ReflectionProperty, ReflectionMethod). For the properties , instead of directly constructing ReflectionProperty object, we can use getProperty() on a ReflectionObject object in runtime.