
Top 500 StackOverflow contributors from Bangladesh

Update: The result returned from the StackExchange is slightly outdated. So it might not display the latest reputation or other profile changes and thus slightly affecting the ranking.

Update: Because the large list was affecting the site performance, I have moved it to Github Gist.

This post uses the StackExchange Data Explorer to query the StackOverflow users and grab their data. The Python script to query and parse the data is attached below the ranking. So let’s wait no further and meet the top 500 people on SO from Bangladesh:

View List on Gist



Python 3: Using blocking functions or codes with asyncio

We know we can do a lot of async stuff with asyncio but have you ever wondered how to execute blocking codes with it? It’s pretty simple actually, asyncio allows us to run blocking code using BaseEventLoop.run_in_executor method. It will run our functions in parallel and provide us with Future objects which we can await or yield from.

Let’s see an example with the popular requests library:

If you run the code snippet, you can see how the two responses are fetched asynchronously 🙂


Creating a Twitter Retweet Bot in Python

We want to create a bot that will track specific topics and retweet them. We shall use the Twitter Streaming API to track topics. We will use the popular tweepy package to interact with Twitter.

Let’s first install Tweepy

We need to create a Twitter app and get the tokens. We can do that from :

Now let’s see the codes:

The code is pretty much self explanatory:

  • We create a Twitter API client using the oAuth details we got earlier
  • We subclass StreamListener to implement our own on_data method
  • We create an instance of this class, then create a new Stream by passing the auth handler and the listener
  • We use the track method to track a number of topics we are interested in
  • When we start to track the topics, it will pass the data to on_data method where we parse the tweet, check some common words to avoid, check language and then retweet it.