
Track Your Favorite Topic on Twitter: A PHP CLI Tool

Here’s a little php utility that will let you watch the Twitter public time line for your favorite topic. This is specially helpful for those who want to build some tracking application on the basis of the twitter streaming APIs.

Here’s the source:

Run this script with the keyword as the argument:


Twitter Streaming API with Python

Hasin Vai has a good post about collecting tweets in real time with php. Here’s the post: 🙂 If you are a php developer look into there.

Well, I am going to cover Python for the Twitter streaming API. You need the “tweetstream” python module which depends on the “anyjson” module. Please make sure you have these modules installed before you proceed.

Download Links: anyjson | tweetstream

To install these packages, use the built in of the individual packages :

In my case, I didn’t have the “setuptools” python module installed with my default python installation. So I had to install it to get the work:

I love the magic of debian packages 🙂

Now, you can install the modules and dive into our example:

That’s it! In real, you get the stream dictionary which you can use to manipulate the tweets.

The “tweetstream” module also lets you access the Track and Follow APIs in a superb fashion!

I love Twitter, I love Python! 🙂


PHP: Setting the include_path for quick includes

PHP being the first language I loved and used for a long time, I now use it for all sorts of purposes. I also love and use Python but very often I end up coding in php because I am more habituated to this language than the beautiful python 🙂 Again for some simple tasks, php is loads better than Python. Just imagine you need the md5 hash of a string. Will you import the hashlib first, then go through the md5() and hexdigest() methods ? Nope. I will simply fire off a php interactive shell and use the built in md5() function with an echo.

One of the major problems I was facing that all the external libs I use, I have to copy them into my current working directory or have to use some other techniques to import them into my current script.

To get a permanent work around this problem, I decided to use the include_path directive in php.ini 🙂 I created a directory named “phplib” under my home directory and put all the libs in there.

Next, I opened up /etc/php5/conf.d/ with root access and added a new file named phplib.ini with the following contents:

Now, whenever I need a library loaded, I just type :

That imports the mailer class, even on my interactive php shell 🙂

PS: Well, since the php interpreter always has your home directory as the CWD, you could just use include(“phplib/mailer.php”); in this case. But what about the php module running with apache? The include_path affects that one as well. It helps! But also it has a negative side. Make sure you upload the respective libs to the web server before you deploy your web application on the production box! 😀